April 9, 2007

About a fish! (part 1)

Yeah! Dream come true! and so after one postponement, 80km of driving, and more sore butts later, we departed from Gold coast and finally on our way to catch some fish! Big Fish! Big BIG fish!
What's serving today???
The fish's menu of the day: Smaller fishes! ie bait!
Damn wat's up with the hair!
Fauzan before the big one.... hehe
Finally! Fauzan's First Fish
A scorpion fish, poisonous says the crew and he had to chuck it back into the sea.
But it looks damn edible to me...
There are so many more pictures to post, I had to break the fishing trip into two parts. Stay tuned for fauzan's big one and ..... did mrdareklam catch any fish??
: )


Fauzan@TSD said...

oi brader saving my upchucking for the best part of the trip hey...dont keep the readers in suspense haha cool pics bro :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Mate!

Talk about suspense, yeah?!

The sea looks a bit, shall we say....."choppy"? hehe

You're obviously back in one piece, and didn't capsize like those boats racing from Brisbane to Gladstone!!!

Hope you enjoyed eating your catch; I can't wait for the rest of the pics bro!

See you on Sunday, Mate.
